
Sunday, September 16, 2012

I'm a good girl..on my Own way. {DIY}

First time I saw this DIY (on studs and pearls) , I just couldn't wait to do it! So easy and the result looks very nice.
I encourage you guys to put even more colors of wool! Can you imagine the effect? If you do so, don't forget to send me the photos :)

God Bless today as well.
Yara Mel


Da primeira vez que vi este FTM (no studs and pearls), mal podia esperar para fazer! Tão facil e o resultado e' mesmo giro.
Eu encorajo-vos a fazer com mais cores de lã! Conseguem imaginar? Se fores a fazer, não esquece de mandar as fotos :)

que Deus abençoe hoje tambem.
Yara Mel


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Perfect style, your skirt is so cute :)

  3. Hi!! You have great style!! Thank you for stopping by my blog you have a new follower!!!


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